November 16, 2023

John Arnold’s Shady Past

Enron Origins Senior Enron executives served hard jail time and shareholders lost $74 billion dollars during the 2001 collapse of the infamous energy trading giant. Enron’s crooked accounting ultimately wiped out more than $1.5 billion in retirement savings for firefighters,…
Yitz Friedman
October 30, 2023

Arnold Foundation Employee Caught Self-Dealing

The Arnold Foundation’s annual reports for 2017, 2018 and 2019 admitted that an employee engaged in “self-dealing.” Self-dealing" is defined, generally, as either financial transactions between the foundation and a “disqualified person” or an “agreement by a private foundation to…
Yitz Friedman
October 25, 2023

Runs revolving door of Obama/Biden bureaucrats

John & Laura Arnold have quicky mastered The Old Washington Game by funding a revolving door of activists that move between developing liberal ideas in the Arnold’s progressive ivy tower, then orchestrating them in government positions, before returning to the…
Yitz Friedman
October 25, 2023

Contempt for Nontraditional College Students

The Arnolds likely know little about the role that career colleges play, including educating first-generation, veteran, fulltime employed, and minority students in much higher proportions than traditional four-year universities. Yet Arnold Ventures is the largest single funder working to shut…
Yitz Friedman
October 25, 2023

A Dangerous Experiment To Help Criminals

Billionaire John Arnold is supporting experiments in policing that make our streets less safe. Arnold Ventures’ Public Safety Assessment tool (PSA) purports to help suspected criminals achieve “higher rates of pretrial release” by using an “objective” algorithm. The releasing suspected…
Yitz Friedman
October 25, 2023

Push For Unconstitutional Spying

Even as Arnold promotes soft-on-crime bail policies, he uses rising crime to push for unprecedented government surveillance, despite the shocking revelation in recent years of systemic surveillance abuses of government intelligence agencies. Under the guise of “security,” these agencies launched…
Yitz Friedman
May 5, 2023

Arnold donated millions of dollars to abortion groups, including Planned Parenthood

Although Arnold vows that he is not a liberal, he has funded abortion groups on a massive scale, showing a total disregard for the lives of the unborn. Arnold donated millions of dollars to Planned Parenthood Arnold donated millions of…
Yitz Friedman
March 5, 2023

Arnold funds radical leftist Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)

The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) is a radical leftist organization dedicated to smearing, harassing, and canceling those they don’t like. They’re activities have been so extreme and outlandish that they were forced to apologize several times, including to former…
Yitz Friedman
February 5, 2023

Arnold funds anti-law-enforcement ally of Black Lives Matter

As part of Arnold’s war on law enforcement, Arnold Ventures has funded the Misdemeanor Justice Project, an anti-police group whose activities include tracking “Stop, Question, And Frisk” Actions By The New York Police Department. Data Collaborative for Justice has also…
Yitz Friedman
January 13, 2023


Read our full, comprehensive report on John Arnold and Arnold Ventures here.
Yitz Friedman